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解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2019
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元のページへ戻る ►2019-10-25 ArtNo.46624(51/75)
◆CBK promises to give leadership to SLPP's new movement

【Colombo】Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga has promised to give leadership to the new movement to protect the Sri Lanka Freedom Party that has arisen after the current leadership signed and alliance with the SLPP.
○Sri Lanka's presidential election: Sajith and Gota's two-horse race
○Issuing temporary ID's for Presidential election begins(...続きを読む)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46625(52/75)

2019-10-25 ArtNo.46626(53/75)

○罗马: 教会运动的震源地
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46627(54/75)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (He who has ears to hear, let him hear!)

 Jesus said, "There was a rich person who had a great deal of money. He said, 'I shall invest my money so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouses with produce, that I may lack nothing.' These were the things he was thinking in his heart, but that very night he died. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Thomas 63)
○The Buddha Dharma is only entrusted from Buddha to Buddha
○Parallel articles of Gospel of Luke
○Greco-Roman origin of the New Testament
○Strong influence of Greek philosophy on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
○Rome: The epicenter of The Church Movement
○Linji's cause of enlightenment(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46628(55/75)

【ムンバイ】インドの『東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)』協定からの撤退は、国内の主要な利害関係者が賛成していなかったことから、決して予想外のことではなかった。輸出や対中経済関係などの問題に対するインドの疑念は、本質的で、成長に不可欠なものである。これらが解決された場合にのみ、インドは再び協定への参加を検討すべきだ。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46629(56/75)

【孟买】印度退出『东亚区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP:Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)』协议,考虑到国内主要利益相关者不赞成,并不是完全出乎意料的。印度对诸如出口及其与中国的经济关系等问题的忧虑是真实的,而且对增长至关重要。只有解决了这些问题,印度才应考虑再次参加该协议。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46630(57/75)
◆RCEP countries must pay heed to India's concerns

【Mumbai】India's withdrawal from the the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement (RCEP) was not entirely unexpected, given that key stakeholders had not been in favour of it. India's doubts on issues like exports and its economic relations with China are genuine and crucial for growth. Only when these are resolved, should India consider joining the agreement again.(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46631(58/75)

【ムンバイ】ウダフ・バール・ケシャフ・タークレー新首席大臣率いる『マハラシュトラ開発前衛党(MVA:Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi)』政権は、州議会における過半数の支持を得、インド人民党(BJP)を野党の地位に追いやったにも関わらず、その前途には不確実性が漂っている。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46632(59/75)

【孟买】乌达夫·沙克雷(Uddhav Thackeray)领导的『马哈拉施特拉发展前卫党(MVA:Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi)』政府的前途,尽管该已在州议会中证明了其多数席位,而将印度人民党(BJP)推到反对党地位,仍然还充满不确定性。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46633(60/75)
◆Uncertainty looms over future of new Maharashtra government

【Mumbai】Uncertainty looms large over the future of Uddhav Thackeray-led Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government even as it has proven its majority in the State Assembly pushing the BJP to the Opposition benches.(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46634(61/75)

【ムンバイ】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権の悪名高い遡及税から、最高裁判所が去る10月に下した電気通信事業者の調整済み粗収入(AGR:adjusted gross revenue)に対する1兆3300億ルピーの支払い命令に至るまでインドにおける気まぐれなビジネス慣行に怯える外国投資家にとって、マハラシュトラ州における最近の政治劇は、一層深刻な恐怖心を与えたに違いない。何故なら1兆2000億ルピーの新幹線計画を初めとする数百億ルピーの大型プロジェクトが見直される可能性が出てきた。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46635(62/75)

【孟买】从全国民主联盟(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政权的臭名昭著的追溯税,到最高法院于10月对电信运营商的调整后总收入(AGR:adjusted gross revenue)征收1兆3300亿卢比的判决,对于印度生意的变化无常而煞费苦心的外国投资者,看到了最近在马哈拉施特拉州发生的像政变般事件,一定更加担忧,因为新政权有可能重新审查包括1兆2000亿卢比的新干线计划在内的几千亿卢比的大型项目。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46636(63/75)
◆Due to M-state political change, Bullet train goes off track, so does investor interest?!

【Mumbai】For foreign investors spooked by the vagaries of doing business in India, from the UPA's infamous retrospective tax to the Supreme Court's Rs 133,000 crore AGR-blow to telecom companies in October, the recent events in Maharashtra have to be deeply disturbing since, apart from the Rs 120,000 crore bullet train, several other large infrastructure projects worth lakhs of crore rupees are likely to be reviewed. (...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46652(64/75)

【カトマンズ】シェイクアップは、主に二つの理由で避けられなくなった。権力の行使に関するK.P.シャルマ・オリ首相の独占に対するネパール共産党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)のプラチャンダ・プシュパ・カマル・ダハル共同議長の不満に対処することと、多数派政府の惨憺たる業績を隠すことだ。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46653(65/75)

【加德满都】内阁改组已成为必然,主要有两个原因:解决尼泊尔共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)帕苏巴·卡麦尔·达哈尔(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)联合主席对总理卡德加·普拉萨德·夏尔马·奥利(KP Sharma Oli)行使权力垄断的不满,并掩盖多数派政府的惨淡表现。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46654(66/75)
◆PM uses a cabinet reshuffle to mask his government's incompetence

【Kathmandu】The shake-up had become inevitable, primarily for two reasons: to address Nepal Communist Party (NCP) chair Puspa Kamal Dahal's discontent over Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli's monopolisation on the exercise of power and, to mask the dismal performance of the majority government. (...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46655(67/75)

2019-12-10 ArtNo.46656(68/75)

【加德满都】劳工就业社会保障部长戈卡纳·比斯塔(Gokarna Bista)因推动改革和对抗外国雇佣卡特尔而赢得了赞誉,但因根深蒂固的利益集团的堡垒和政治交易的饵食,最终被解雇其内阁职位。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46657(69/75)
◆The prime minister sacked one of the few ministers who delivered

【Kathmandu】The minister for labour, employment and social security, Gokarna Bista won plaudits for pushing reforms and taking on the foreign employment cartels, but fell prey to entrenched interests and political horsetrading and ultimately sacked from the cabinet post.
○In defense of Nepali migrant workers(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46658(70/75)

2019-12-10 ArtNo.46659(71/75)

【科伦坡】最近,社交媒体报道了西方总统在没有受到特别注意的情况下在一群拥挤的人群中徒步行走的图像,他在肩膀上挂着一个背包,还带着一个牛皮纸袋,据说里面有他的午餐 。戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克萨(Gotabaya Rajapaksa)总统的着装风格同样朴实朴素,但在斯里兰卡的安全环境和社会条件下,他似乎无法同样地走路。无论如何,他为促进简化治理所采取的许多积极行动赢得了公众的赞誉,并给人们留下了突破过去的深刻印象。(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46660(72/75)
◆Building a modern state to take Sri Lanka to the next level

【Colombo】There was recently on social media an image of a president of a western country on foot in the midst of a milling crowd who paid him no special notice with a backpack on his shoulders and carrying a brown paper bag in which was said to be his lunch. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's style of dressing is likewise unpretentious and simple though he may not be able to walk the streets in that same manner due to the different security and social conditions in Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, the President has won public commendation for the many positive actions he has been taking to streamline governance and they are indicative of a break from the past.(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46664(73/75)

2019-12-10 ArtNo.46665(74/75)

 保罗(Paul: BC?-AD65?)在《以弗所书(The Epistle to the Ephesians)》和《罗马书(The Epistle to the Romans)》中说,『圣灵的施洗』是神对罪人的恩情。因为这『恩情』的概念可作种种解释,后来发展成为一场神学辩论。它不仅成为将基督教分为天主教和新教的原因之一,而且还影响了现代西方哲学以及经济和政治理论。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46666(75/75)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Grace)

 Paul (BC ? - AD 65?) preached that 'The baptism of the Holy Spirit' was God's grace or mercy for sinners in 'The Epistle to the Ephesians' and 'The Epistle to the Romans.' Because this concept of 'grace' was interpreted in various ways and developed into a theological debate, it became not only one of causes to split Christianity into Catholic and Protestant, but also influenced modern Western philosophies and economic and political theories.
○Tertullianus' "Divine Gift"
○Pelagius' "Inherent Blessing"
○Augustine's "Anti-Inherent-Blessing Theory"
○Thomas Aquinas' "Gratia Infusa"
○Luther's "Justification by one's faith"
○Descartes' "Vortex Theory"
○Rousseau's "Social Contract"
○Adam Smith's "Laissez-faire"
○Kant's "Kingdom of Ends"
○Hegel's "Absolute Spirit"
○Marx's "Materialistic View of History"
○The way to secure and stabilize the country
○Yixing Revolution Theory and Hegel's "Era Spirit"
○Confucianism and Kant's moral theory
○Buddha is trouble, trouble is Buddha(...続きを読む)
解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2019
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