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解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2020
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元のページへ戻る ►2020-08-03 ArtNo.46856(51/80)

【ダッカ】バングラデシュ民族主義党(BNP:Bangladesh Nationalist Party)のミルザ・ファクルル・イスラム・ アラムギール総書記は、「国民はバングラデシュの保健システムを信頼することができなくなった。なぜならそれは既に完全に崩壊しているからだ」と語った。(...続きを読む)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46858(52/80)
◆Bangladesh's health system has collapsed: BNP Secretary General

【Dhaka】Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has alleged that people now cannot have their confidence in the country's health system as it has completely collapsed.(...続きを読む)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46857(53/80)

【达卡】孟加拉国民族主义党(BNP:Bangladesh Nationalist Party)的米尔扎·法赫鲁尔·伊斯兰·阿拉姆吉尔(Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir)秘书长声称,由于该国的卫生系统已经完全崩溃,人们现在对他们的卫生系统不再抱有信心。(...続きを読む)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46859(54/80)

2020-08-03 ArtNo.46861(55/80)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots VII)

 Jesus said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to impose peace upon the world. They donot know that I have come to impose conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house: There will be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father and they will stand alone." (Thomas 16)
○'Three-One mysterious substance' and the statue of Maitreya
○Hebrew genes in Japanese
○Ephraim and Manasseh mediate Korean roots of Imperial framily
○A thread of fate binding between St. Thomas' Mission to Beijing and Wa-koku (倭国)
○Mystery of "The Twelve Tribes"
○The origin and history of Isshi Incident
○Hakusonko's defeat and Emperor Tenchi
○Jinshin War
○The direct rule of the Emperor
○Formation and self-destruction of centralized state
○The origin of Emperor Kanmu
○Japan and Korea are next to each other: Emperor Heisei(...続きを読む)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46860(56/80)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46862(57/80)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46864(58/80)
◆First economic contraction in 4 decades: India GDP shrinks 23.9% in Q1FY21

【New Delhi】The economy of India - the world's fastest-growing large economy until a few years ago - contracted by 23.9 per cent in April-June -- the worst performance since quarterly measurement began in 1996 and probably the first contraction since 1980 and worse than what was expected by most analysts. The Indian economy has shrunk, in absolute terms, back to the size it had last seen 22 quarters ago when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took charge of governing the country.(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46863(59/80)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46865(60/80)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46867(61/80)
◆Ambani-Biyani deal: RIL spreads wings to become a dominant player in retail

【New Delhi】The oil-to-telecoms group controlled by India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, announced late on August 29 that it will acquire Future Group's retail and wholesale business as well as its logistics and warehousing operations. (...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46866(62/80)
◆RIL成为零售业务的主导者:安巴尼 / 比雅尼交易

【新德里】由印度首富穆克什·安巴尼(Mukesh Ambani)领导的石油电信集团于8月29日宣布,它将收购未来集团(Future group)的零售和批发业务以及其物流和仓储业务。(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46880(63/80)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46882(64/80)
◆Poor planning, poor governance, poor monitoring flood Karachi

【Karachi】It does not always rain in Karachi during the monsoon. When it does, it floods. Many parts of Karachi went without electricity for 50 hours, prompting Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah to ask, "What kind of service is this?". Internet and cell phone networks were disrupted all over Pakistan's largest city.(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46881(65/80)

【卡拉奇】季风期间,卡拉奇并不总是下雨。 但如果下雨,它就会泛滥。卡拉奇的许多地方都停电了50个小时,促使信德省首席部长穆拉德·阿里·沙赫问道「天啊,这到体是什么服务?」 巴基斯坦最大的城市的互联网和手机网络在全区遭到断绝。(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46892(66/80)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46894(67/80)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (As sly as snakes and as innocent as doves)

 Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the teachers of the law have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so. As for you, be as sly as snakes and as innocent as doves." (Thomas 39)
○Spiritual rebirth = Restoration of 'the primitive integration'
○The baptism of the Holy Spirit
○Three-One mysterious substance
○Huayen philosophy
○Tiantai philosophy
○Aziguan (阿字観)
○'Aziguan' and 'Three-One mysterious substance'
○As sly as snakes and as innocent as doves(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46893(68/80)

2020-10-12 ArtNo.46907(69/80)

2020-10-12 ArtNo.46909(70/80)
◆Jaswant Singh, advocate of peace with Pakistan, dies at 82

【New Delhi】Former Indian foreign minister Jaswant Singh, who brought New Delhi and Islamabad tantalisingly close to a peace deal over Kashmir in Agra, died here on September 27 at the age of 82.(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46908(71/80)

【新德里】在阿格拉(Agra)的克什米尔(Kashmir)和平谈判上,使新德里和伊斯兰堡令人震惊地接近几乎达成协议的印度前外交部长贾斯旺特·辛格(Jaswant Singh)于9月27日在这里去世,享年82岁。(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46913(72/80)

2020-10-12 ArtNo.46915(73/80)
◆Abdullah made fragile gains for Afghan peace during Pakistan trip

【Islamabad】Afghan peace chief Abdullah Abdullah has concluded a visit to eastern neighbour Pakistan aimed at mending the often fraught ties between the two countries and making progress on moving the nascent Afghan peace process forward.
○The negotiations in Doha
○Illusive ceasefire(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46914(74/80)

【伊斯兰堡】阿富汗和平负责人(民族和解高级委员会主席)阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉(Abdullah Abdullah)为了修补经常陷入困境的两国关系访问东部邻国巴基斯坦,在推动新生的阿富汗和平进程方面取得进展后,已结束访问日程而离开伊斯兰堡。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46916(75/80)

【ダッカ】ISに触発されたテログループが組織を再編し再興を図る中、『バングラデシュ聖戦者会衆組織(JMB: Jamaat-ul-Mujahidin-Bangladesh)』の分派『ネオJMB』は、トップのリーダーシップを再構築し、新最高指導者を内外に宣言した。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46918(76/80)
◆Terrorist group 'Neo JMB' rising again?

【Dhaka】"Neo JMB," a branch of the Jamaat-ul-Mujahidin-Bangladesh (JMB) has declared its new chief and brought changes in the top leadership as the IS-inspired terror group is trying to get back on its feet by reorganising its structure.
○Neo-JMB couples held(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46917(77/80)

【达卡】当受到IS启发的恐怖组织通过重组正试图再次崛起时,『孟加拉国贾马图尔圣战者(JMB: Jamaat-ul-Mujahidin-Bangladesh)』的分支派『新JMB(Neo JMB)』更新最高领导层并发表新任负责人。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46928(78/80)

2020-10-12 ArtNo.46930(79/80)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (An astray sheep)

 Jesus said, "The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine and looked for the one until he found it. After he had toiled, he said to the sheep, 'I love you more than the ninety-nine.'" (Thomas 107)
○Gematria of "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit"
○God and cube
○Gematria of Trinity
○3 persons of Trinity are distinct but inseparable
○Role of Ephraim and Manasseh
○An astray sheep(...続きを読む)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46929(80/80)

解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2020
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