解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2016
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45820(102/129)
◆Delhi's disastrous play in Kathmandu
【Kolkata】Policy flip-flops have put India on the global chopping block with respect to Oli's ouster from power. For a country that saw eight prime ministers come and go in 10 years, the collapse of Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli's nine-month-old government in Kathmandu shouldn't make big news. But it did.
○Avail Indus Water Treaty norms to resolve matters: India to Pak
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45827(103/129)
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45828(104/129)
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45829(105/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (A dragon sings in a withered tree)
The missionary work in Asia province which Paul had dared to carry out seems to have brought anger of not only the members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen-Jews but also by the mainstream of Jerusalem Church and even the hierarchy of Jerusalem including the House of Hanan (the clan of the High Priest Caiaphas and his father in law Annas), the supporter of both of them, because they had perceived such conduct by Paul as a departure from the agreement of the First Apostolic Conference
○Agabus predicted Paul's imprisonment and adviced not to visit Jerusalem
○Prophecy of Jesus
○Mahayana Buddhism spread toward west
○The origin of the church movement
○Philosophy of Hua-yan and Zen Buddhism
○Further leap after climbing to the top of a pole of one hundred feet
○A dragon sings in a withered tree
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45836(106/129)
【ニューデリー】 KPMGインターナショナルとCBインサイツが共同で発表したグローバル四季報『パルス・オブ・フィンテック』によると、ベンチャー・キャピタルに支援された新設フィンテック企業に対する投資家の関心は、2016年第2四半期に回復することはなかった。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45837(107/129)
◆印度在金融科技融资保持量却失去价值: KPMG & CB
【新德里】根据毕马威国际和CB洞察共同发表的全球季报《金融科技行业脉动(Pulse of Fintech)》,投资家对被风险投资公司支持的金融科技(Fintech)创业公司的兴趣在2016年第二季也没有复苏。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45838(108/129)
◆India retains volume but loses value in fintech funding: KPMG & CB
【New Delhi】The second quarter of 2016 has failed to revive the investor interest in the VC-backed finetch startups, according to Pulse of Fintech, a quarterly global report by KPMG and CB Insight.
○Govt to bear MDR cost for online payments
○Banks shifting focus from core business: AIBEA
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45839(109/129)
【ニューデリー】商品サービス税(GST:goods and services tax)法案の上院通過で、税専門家は、商品やサービスの販売に課される様々な税務の複雑な関係の解読を一斉に開始した。そのインフレ効果、取り分けサービス税負担の増大で、与党の将来の選挙コストは上昇する見通しだ。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45840(110/129)
【新德里】随着国会上院通过商品及服务税(GST:goods and services tax)法案,税务专家已经一齐开始解读适用于货物和服务销售的各种税务的复杂性。其膨胀效果,尤其是服务税的上升,将使执政党的大选成本会提高。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45841(111/129)
◆Could GST be the BJP’s self goal?
【New Delhi】With the Rajya passing the GST Bill, tax experts have gone into overdrive to decipher for us the intricacies of the various levies applicable on sales of goods and services. Its inflationary effects, particularly as a result of rising service tax, could cost the ruling party dearly in the elections to come.
○FinMin doesn't rule out possibility of delay in GST roll-out deadline
○Govt working on roadmap to roll out GST from April 1, 2017: Jaitley
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45842(112/129)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45843(113/129)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45844(114/129)
◆India can become a manufacturing hub
【New Delhi】India can become a manufacturing hub. For this, it must entrench itself in both the high-volume and innovation-driven segments. It has the scientific expertise to do so, according to Ajay Srivastava, an Indian trade service officer.
○Most CFOs optimistic about country's economy: Survey
○WPI inflation hits 23-month high of 3.55% in July
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45854(115/129)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45855(116/129)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45856(117/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Motion and Rest)
When Paul, who had told the elders of Asia his tragic resolution as if he went into the jaws of death in Miletus, arrived in Caesarea together with his companions, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea and urged him not to go to Jerusalem by telling him that both the high priest and the Jerusalem Church would have to treat the situation in the same manner taken by them for the incident of Stephen's martyrdom, if the clash of the Hellenists and the Hebraists relapsed and the church would have not to take remedial action for Paul and remain on the sidelines just as they had done so when Stephen had been martyred.
Thus, his companions and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. However, Paul did not change his decision, saying, "I am ready to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." Then they had to give up to dissuade him and said, "The Lord's will be done." (Acts 21:10-14)
○Those trying to kill Paul were in the Jerusalem Church itself
○Let Paul to serve as a witness of "The Nazarite Vow"
○Motion and Rest
○When one is absorbed by all, one penetrates into all.
○Five Relations between Particularity and Universality
○Another theory called "the Achievements of the Five Levels"
○Blessings on the lion that the human will eat and cursed is the human that the lion will eat
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45857(118/129)
【アーメダバード】グジャラート州ダリット(不可触賎民)の『ガンジーアン(Gandhian)非協力運動』と彼らとイスラム教徒との提携は、右派を震撼させており、後者の牛保護自警団(Gau Rakshaks)は、面目失墜の脅威にさらされている。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45858(119/129)
【艾哈迈达巴德】古吉拉特州不可触种姓达利特(贱民)发动的“甘地不合作运动”,并他们跟回教徒携手的可能性,已经震撼右派,所谓的圣牛保护者(Gau Rakshaks)民团正面对丢面子的威胁。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45859(120/129)
◆The death of a cow, the birth of a movement
【Ahmedabad】The Gandhian non-cooperation movement of Gujarat’s Dalits and their move to join forces with Muslims have rattled the right wing, whose cow-protection vigilantism (Gau Rakshaks) now threatens to blow up in its face
○Backward vs Dalit war over new Karnataka chief secretary
○Our diaspora has a lot to offer
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45860(121/129)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45861(122/129)
◆跨国公司垄断印度国内最佳IT & ITeS工作场所
【新德里】根据一项调查,Adobe系统印度,谷歌印度和微软印度是在全国50个最佳信息科技与信息技术化行业(IT & ITeS )工作场所中排在最领先的3间公司。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45862(123/129)
◆MNCs dominate, startups shine among India's best IT & ITeS companies
【New Delhi】Adobe Systems India, Google India, and Microsoft India are among the 50 Best IT & ITeS workplaces in the country, according to a survey.
○IITs change placement course after Flipkart fiasco
○Double intake in PG diplomas, IIMs told
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45866(124/129)
【バーゼル/ニューデリー】国際決済銀行(BIS:Bank for International Settlements)によると、インドは主要経済体の中では、金融危機に対する脆弱性が比較的軽微だが、隣国の中国はより大きなリスクに晒されている。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45867(125/129)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45868(126/129)
◆India less prone to banking crises;risks higher for China: BIS
【Basel/ New Delhi】India is less vulnerable to banking distress among the major economies while neighbouring China faces higher risks, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
○CAD narrows sharply to 0.1% of GDP
○Cabinet clears infrastructure push, allows PSUs to raise Rs 31,300 cr
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45884(127/129)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45885(128/129)
正好在保罗完成了他的第三次传教旅而率领地中海沿岸各地的希腊习俗信徒代表团回到耶路撒冷的公元56年左右,激进党内颇有名气的西卡里派的起义激烈化。由名叫约书亚(以希腊语就是耶稣的意思)的埃及领导人带领,先在旷野,然后登上橄榄山,试图展开决战并占领耶路撒冷。但是叛军最终为罗马总督费利克斯歼灭。(本来的耶稣:基督教之佛教源头) 耶稣的弟弟西门也据说是激进党成员之一。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45886(129/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Conversion and Resurrection)
Around AD 56, when Paul completed his third missionary journey and returned to Jerusalem together with a delegation of Hellenist believers from churches around the Mediterranean region, the Sicarians, who were the most notorious of the Zealots, led by an Egyptian leader named Joshua, which means Jesus in Greek, first went into the wilderness and then to the Mount of Olives. From there they planned to capture Jerusalem in a decisive battle. However the rabble was wiped out by Felix, the Roman governor, according to "The Original Jesus." Simon, the younger brother of Jesus, is said to have been a member of the Zealots.
○On the eve of the Jewish war
○Paul was rescued by a Roman commander
○Paul was kept under guard in Herod Agrippa II's palace
○The new governor, too, treated Paul as a VIP
○Conversion and Resurrection
解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2016