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外交地域政治 Foreign Affair in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-10-24 ArtNo.41574(51/60)
【ニューデリー】インドとロシアは今年12月にDmitry Medvedevロシア大統領がニューデリーを訪問した際、民生用核協力協定に調印する。(...続きを読む)
◆India and Russia to ink nuclear deal in Dec
【New Delhi】India and Russia are set to ink the civil nuclear deal later this year when the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visits New Delhi in December.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41575(52/60)
◆India holding talks for uranium supply arrangements
【New Delhi】India is working out uranium supply arrangements with countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia to fuel existing domestic nuclear power plants, which are currently running at half their installed capacity due to fuel shortages.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41585(53/60)
【東京】Manmohan Singh首相は麻生太郎首相とともに当地で日印安全保障宣言(security cooperation agreement)に調印した翌23日、「インドと日本は大国として、また新生アジアの2本の主要な柱として国際社会の相応の役割を担う用意がある」と語った。(...続きを読む)
◆India and Japan ready to play a "commensurate global role"
【Tokyo】Minister Manmohan Singh on October 23, a day after inking a landmark security cooperation agreement with his Japanese counterpart Taro Aso here, said India and Japan are ready to play a "commensurate global role" in world affairs as "major powers" and "two major pillars of new Asia".
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41649(54/60)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉は、日本側が5銀行に『認定完全資格銀行(QFB:Qualifying Full Bank)』ステータスを片務的に認めるようインドに要求する一方、インド側から求められた製薬市場の開放には応じる姿勢を示さぬことから、暗礁に乗り上げている。(...続きを読む)
◆Indo-Japan CEPA talks hit a roadblock
【New Delhi】The talks between India and Japan on the proposed Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) has hit a roadblock with the latter proposing that five of its banks be given qualified full banking (QFB) status by India and showing no interest in working on India's suggestion that its pharmaceutical sector be opened up for Indian companies.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41667(55/60)
◆China, India should join hands to reform global financial system
【New Delhi】China on November 14, the eve of the G-20 meeting in Washington, pitched for closer coordination and cooperation with India in the economic field at the global fora as well as bilaterally to meet the challenge posed by the current financial meltdown.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41668(56/60)
◆India, China in war of words over border issue
【New Delhi】India and China were once again caught in a spat over Arunachal Pradesh. China repeated previous assertions that the issue of the border between the two countries was still open.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41717(57/60)
【ニューデリー】ムンバイ襲撃事件の責任をとって辞職したShivraj Patil内相の後任にP Chidambaram蔵相が横滑りすることになったため、既に情報放送省/原子力部/宇宙部/石炭産業省/環境森林省/計画委員会/人事部のトップ兼ねるManmohan Singh首相が大蔵大臣のポストも引き受けることになった。消息筋によれば内相の辞任はスタートに過ぎず、近く行われる下院総選挙において国民会議派が今回の襲撃事件から受ける打撃を最小限に止めるため、さらに何人かが詰め腹を切らされるものと予想される。(...続きを読む)
◆Severe earthquake hit UPA Govt
【New Delhi】While Finance Minister P Chidambaram replaced Home Minister Shivraj Patil, who resigned to take the rap for the horrifying terror attacks in Mumbai, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who had already held seven additional portfolios i.e. the departments of Atomic Energy and Space and the ministries of coal, environment and forests, planning, personnel and information & broadcasting, will be looking after the finance ministry. Top sources said Patil's resignation was only the beginning and some more resignations were expected to limit possible political fallout of the terror attacks on the Congress in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.
【新德里】因为财政部长P Chidambaram代替孟买恐怖袭击事件引咎辞职的内政部长Shivraj Patil就任新内政部长,已经兼作7个部长职位的曼莫汉・辛格总理不得不再承当财政部长职位。不过高层消息灵通人士说内政部长的辞职只是一个开端。如果国大党想将不久举行的国会下院大选里把孟买恐怖事件的打击控制最低限度的话,还需要几位部长引咎辞职。
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41719(58/60)
【ムンバイ】ザ・ヒンドゥーは12月2日、テロ実行犯の中で唯一生け捕られたMohammad Ajmal Amir Iman(当初誤ってAjmal Amir Kamaal、Kasav等と報じられた)の供述に基づき襲撃計画の概要を伝えた。(...続きを読む)
◆Key parts of the plan behind the Mumbai terror attack
【Mumbai】The Hindu on December 2 reported key parts of the story behind the face based on interviews with key officers involved in the investigation and on the interrogation records of Mohammad Ajmal Amir Iman (wrongly identified earlier as Kamaal and Kasav), only one arrested alive during the Mumbai terror attack.
【孟买】英文报《The Hindu》12月2日根据孟买恐怖袭击事件唯一的生擒Mohammad Ajmal Amir Iman(错误报道Kamaal与Kasav)的供述而报道袭击计划的概况。
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41733(59/60)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP)は4日、パキスタン領内のテロ組織を撲滅するため統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府がパキスタンに対して断固たる態度を示すなら、全面的に支持するとの提案を行った。(...続きを読む)
◆BJP offers support to UPA: Mumbai terror aftermath
【New Delhi】Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on December 4 said "it will whole-heartedly co-operate with the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government, if the UPA finally decides to strike Pakistan to dismantle its terror modules."
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41761(60/60)
◆Russia offers 30% discount on new N-reactors
【New Delhi】India has been offered by Russia a sweetener in the form of a 30 per cent discount on the $2-billion price tag for each of their new nuclear reactors under discussions for sale to India.
外交地域政治 Foreign Affair in 2008
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