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企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2018
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元のページへ戻る ►2018-09-08 ArtNo.46363(51/69)
◆From Aligarh to Omaha, the incredible story of Vijay Shekhar Sharma

【Mumbai】Vijay Shekhar Sharma's Paytm got Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, to invest in his firm, a rare deal for a man who typically avoids internet firms. For India's man of the moment, it is major milestone. Here is a story of Sharma who has brought up in the small town called Harduaganj near Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
○eMudhra plans U.S. digital certifying foray in 2019 (...続きを読む)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46364(52/69)
◆Niti AayogのAI国策立案の取り組みは、インドのAI需要の現れ:シーゲート

【ニューデリー】アジア太平洋地域では、人工知能(AI:artificial intelligence)の導入が非常に旺盛で、大部分の組織が、情報技術(IT)、サプライチェーン、ロジスティクス、研究開発などの分野にある種の形式のAIをすでに実装してる。
○Kotak、ナスコム、iSPIRTと提携してUPI 2.0 Hackathonを開始(...続きを読む)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46365(53/69)
◆Niti Aayog制定AI政策的努力显示印度的AI需求:希捷

○科塔克与NASSCOM和iSPIRT合作推出『UPI 2.0黑客松』(...続きを読む)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46366(54/69)
◆Niti Aayog efforts for national policy on AI points towards India's appetite to embrace AI: Seagate

【New Delhi】In Asia Pacific, artificial intelligence (AI) adoption is already so robust that a vast majority of organisations have already implemented AI in one form or another within areas such as information technology, supply chain and logistics, as well as research and development.
○Kotak launches UPI 2.0 Hackathon in partnership with Nasscom, iSPIRT(...続きを読む)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46388(55/69)

2018-10-07 ArtNo.46389(56/69)

【新德里】印度国大党于9月26日要求在最高法院的监督下多个机构(multiple-agencies)对负债累累的基础设施租赁和金融服务公司(IL&FS:Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services)有关的所有事项彻底调查。(...続きを読む)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46390(57/69)
◆Congress seeks Supreme Court led probe into IL&FS

【New Delhi】 The Congress on September 26 demanded a Supreme Court-monitored multiple-agencies' probe into all matters related to the debt-laden firm Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL&FS). (...続きを読む)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46394(58/69)

【ムンバイ】ミューチュアル・ファンド(MF)の短期コマーシャル・ペーパー(CP)を通じた非銀行金融機関(NBFC:non-banking financial companies)に対するエクスポージャーは、2016年以来3倍上昇した。
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46395(59/69)

【孟买】共同基金(MF:Mutual fund)通过短期商业票据(CP:commercial paper)对非银行金融公司(NBFC:non-banking financial companies)的敞口(exposure)自2016年以来增加了三倍。
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46396(60/69)
◆In 6 months, 41% of NBFC debt papers due for refinancing: Credit Suisse

【Mumbai】Mutual funds' (MFs') exposure to non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), through short-term commercial papers (CPs), has risen three times since 2016.
○NBFC woes hit stocks of rate-sensitive sectors(...続きを読む)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46403(61/69)

2018-10-29 ArtNo.46404(62/69)

2018-10-29 ArtNo.46405(63/69)
◆Special forces in India-U.S. exercise

【New Delhi】The first India-U.S. tri-services exercise is likely to take place in 2019, and talks are on to include the special forces of the two countries in the drill, a senior U.S. defence official has said.
○The Modi-Putin summit is likely to prove to be a game changer
○Reliance Defence will get 3% of Rs 30,000 crore Rafale offset(...続きを読む)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46424(64/69)

【ニューデリー】インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)が国内で発生したすべての支払いデータを10月15日までにインド国内に保管することを義務づけた規則の期限は月曜日に満了したが、アメリカン・エキスプレス、ビサ、マスターカード、アマゾン、ペイパル、ウェスタン・ユニオン等の主要国際企業は、間に合わなかった。(...続きを読む)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46425(65/69)

【新德里】印度储备银行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)使结帐组织负有义务到10月15日前把在印度境内结帐的所有支付数据保管在国内的期限,在周一到期了,但美国运通(American Express),维萨卡(Visa),万事达卡(Mastercard),亚马逊(Amazon),贝宝(Paypal)和西联汇(Western Union)等主要国际公司未能满足它。(...続きを読む)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46426(66/69)
◆Data localisation: RBI may not penalise cos for not meeting deadline, for now

【New Delhi】With the Reserve Bank of India's October 15 deadline for storing all payment data generated in India within the country coming to an end on Monday and major international firms such as American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Amazon, Paypal, and Western Union, failing to meet it.(...続きを読む)
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46460(67/69)

【ニューデリー】アグスタウェストランド社製要人(VVIP)輸送ヘリコプターの360億ルピー取引を仲介したとされる、クリスチャン・マイケル氏は12月5日、デリー裁判所に出廷した。同法廷は中央捜査局(CBI:Central Bureau of Investigation)による5間の拘留尋問を認めた。(...続きを読む)
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46461(68/69)

【新德里】被称在360亿卢比的阿古斯塔·韦斯特兰公司(AgustaWestland) VVIP(要人专用)直升机交易的中人,克里斯蒂安·米歇尔(Christian Michel)于12月5日在德里法院出庭,后者允许中央调查局(CBI:Central Bureau of Investigation)对他进行为期五天的监禁审讯。(...続きを読む)
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46462(69/69)
◆We found a 'razdaar'who will now reveal 'secrets' of politicians, said Modi

【New Delhi】Christian Michel, alleged middleman in the Rs 3,600-crore AgustaWestland VVIP chopper deal, was on December 5 produced before a Delhi court, which allowed his five-day custodial interrogation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).(...続きを読む)
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2018
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