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通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2017
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元のページへ戻る ►2017-07-19 ArtNo.46045(51/81)
◆Lessons for India on why Israel leads in innovation!

【New Delhi】India and Israel both survive in a very hostile neighbourhood and with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit to the Jewish country, the two democracies are seeing a new high in relations.
○IAN builds startup highway to Israel(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46064(52/81)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46065(53/81)

【加尔各答】『软件和服务公司全国协会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)』的R.钱德拉希克哈总裁于7月7日在当地说,「印度IT-BPM(信息科技和业务流程管理)行的年售预计到2025年达到3500亿美元,产品将成为行业的增长动力。」(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46066(54/81)
◆Indian IT sector to reach $350 b by 2025; products to drive growth

【Kolkata】The Indian IT-BPM industry is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025, and products will be a growth driver for the industry, Nasscom President R Chandrashekhar said here on the 7th of July. (...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46070(55/81)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46071(56/81)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46072(57/81)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Meditation and four Practices)

・Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
・Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
・Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
・Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
・Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
・Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
・Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
・Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3-10)
○The propagation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit to East Asia
○To synchronize with Christ who is the Alpha and the Omega
○Gospel of Matthew's practices of perseverance
○Meditation and four Practices
○Who was Law Master?
○Northern Chan's First Patriarch is Gunabhadra
○Arrival of monks from overseas and Zen boom(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46091(58/81)

【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は9月27日、財務省次官に、国民総貯蓄計画『プラダン・マントリ・ジャンダン・ユジャナ(PMJDY:Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana=Prime Minister Scheme for People's Wealth)』下にジャンダン口座を開設した国民に発行されるデビット・カード『RuPay』の利用を促進するよう督励した。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46092(59/81)

【新德里】纳伦德拉·莫迪总理于9月27日向各州政府金融服务部门秘书们呼吁促进“借记卡RuPay”的利用。“RuPay借记卡”是在“总理的人民财富计划(PMJDY:Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana)”下开设银行户口的人都拥有。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46093(60/81)
◆PM Narendra Modi for increased use of RuPay debit cards

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi today (September 27, 2017) asked the Secretary, Financial Services, to look at ways to increase the use of RuPay debit cards that have been issued to Jan Dhan account holders.
○Card payments push may land banks with a Rs 3800cr annual hole(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46094(61/81)

【ニューデリー】華為技術有限公司のインド子会社Huawei Telecommunications India(HTI)は9月27日、バルティ・エアテル社と提携、後者がカルナタカ州バンガロールにおいて、インドの第五世代(5G)通信開発にとって重要技術の一つとされるマッシブマイモ(Massive MIMO)を導入するのを支援すると発表した。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46095(62/81)

【新德里】华为技术有限公司的子公司Huawei Telecommunications India(HTI)于9月27日发表说,与巴帝空中电话服务公司(Bharti Airtel)达成协议,它将协助后者在卡纳塔克州邦加罗尔采用大规模天线技术(Massive MIMO)技术。Massive MIMO被称印度部署第五代(5G)通信技术策略的最重要技术之一。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46096(63/81)
◆Airtel, Huawei India tie up to deploy Massive MIMO

【New Delhi】Huawei Telecommunications India on the 27th of September said it has tied up with Bharti Airtel for the deployment of Airtel's Massive MIMO -- an integral component in India's roadmap to 5G deployment -- in Bengaluru.
○Airtel to acquire Tata's mobile business for free
○Government keeping watch on telcos' financial stress: Manoj Sinha(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46103(64/81)

2017-10-16 ArtNo.46104(65/81)

2017-10-16 ArtNo.46105(66/81)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Only to be entrusted from Buddha to Buddha)

 A spectre is haunting around the world — the spectre of Neo-Isolationism. Put down! Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.
○The spectre of Neo-Isolationism
○Realization of Kingdom of God
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
○Peace of Jesus
○Honestly discarding expedient means, will preach only the unsurpassed way.
○The dialectic of the Gospel of John
○Only to be entrusted from Buddha to Buddha(...続きを読む)
2017-11-14 ArtNo.46118(67/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46119(68/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46120(69/81)
◆India pips US to become 2nd-largest smartphone market

【New Delhi】India has pipped the US to become the world's second-largest smartphone market at the end of the
third quarter, according to two research firms.(...続きを読む)
2017-11-14 ArtNo.46121(70/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46122(71/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46123(72/81)
◆Telecom executives rush to exit sector as companies eye consolidation

【Mumbai】All new handsets may not have a panic button yet, but hundreds of telecom executives are already making distressed calls to exit an industry where huge pressure on profits and revenues amid a brutal price war has triggered consolidation drive. (...続きを読む)
2017-11-14 ArtNo.46124(73/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46125(74/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46126(75/81)
◆India emerges as biggest source for digital talent: Survey

【Mumbai】India has highest proportion of digital talent with 76 per cent among the countries surveyed,
compared to the global average of 56 per cent, according to a survey.(...続きを読む)
2017-11-14 ArtNo.46130(76/81)

2017-11-14 ArtNo.46131(77/81)

 法国犹太历史学家朱尔斯·艾萨克(Jules Isaac:1877–1963)在犹太人大屠杀中幸存下来,但在奥斯维辛集中营失去了他的妻子和女儿。他在第二次世界大战之后,追溯基督教的早期历史,试图发现反犹太主义的根源。艾萨克表示在早期基督教的文献里有将耶稣的死亡都归咎于犹太人的倾向,并将犹太教视为神与人之间失败的关系。他称之为『蔑视的教学』。
○拉比代表团向教皇提呈对Nostra Aetate的回应
2017-11-14 ArtNo.46132(78/81)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The teaching of contempt)

 After the Second World War, Jules Isaac (1877–1963), the French Jewish historian, who survived the Holocaust, but lost his wife and daughter in Auschwitz, set himself to discover the roots of anti-Semitism, tracing it back to the early history of the Church. Isaac charted the tendency of early Christian texts to blame Jews collectively for the death of Jesus and to see Judaism as a failed relationship between God and humanity. He called this "the teaching of contempt."
○Jerusalem Church was established as an umbrella organization of Orthodox Judaism
○Martyrdom of Stephen
○Paul's conversion
○The conflict between Hellenists and Hebraists and selection of the First Pope
○A Rabbinic delegation presents Pope with Jewish response to Nostra Aetate
○The teaching of contempt and Vatican II
○The history of the dialogue between Christianity and Judaism
○Advice of Professor Sacks(...続きを読む)
2017-12-26 ArtNo.46157(79/81)

 ある日、弟子と外出されたイエスは、生まれつき目が見えない盲人に出会われた。弟子たちはイエスに尋ねた。「先生、このものが生まれつき目が見えないのは、だれが罪を犯したためですか。本人ですか、それともその両親ですか」。 イエスは答えられた、「本人が罪を犯したのでもなく、また、両親が犯したのでもない。ただ神のみわざが、彼の上に現れるためである」と。(ヨハネ9:1-3)
2017-12-26 ArtNo.46158(80/81)

2017-12-26 ArtNo.46159(81/81)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Just refrain choosing)

 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. "Rabbi," his disciples asked him, "why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents' sins?" "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins," Jesus answered. "This happened so the power of God could be seen in him." (John 9:1-3)
○As I seek my sins, I find them unattainable.
○Jewish mythology of nation-building and the formation of monotheism
○The diffusion of Judaism and the Synagogue of the Freedmen-Jews
○The church movement was also derived from the Synagogue of the Freedmen-Jews
○A pure Jewish community of Hellenists appeared in Rome
○Severe conflict between the two Apostles surfaced in Rome
○The Way is simpl. Just refrain choosing.(...続きを読む)
通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2017
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