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金融 Finance in 2017
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元のページへ戻る ►2017-06-26 ArtNo.46027(51/63)
◆Modi government looks for roadmap to take digital economy to $1 trillion mark

【New Delhi】With the aim of creating a road map to take India’s digital economy to the $1-trillion-mark in the next 5 years, the government will hold a high-level brain storming session with technology giants such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Infosys, TCS, Wipro and Tech Mahindra.
○Transaction value gap between UPI and mobile wallets narrows(...続きを読む)
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46034(52/63)

【ニューデリー】インド政府は、航空輸送ビジネスのオーナーシップを100%外資に開放、単一ブランド小売りビジネスと国防産業の規制緩和、自動認可ルートの適用を大部分の業種に拡大、先月終了した州議会選挙後にスタートした改革計画の継続等から成る、外国直接投資(FDI:foreign direct investment)政策の全面的変更を発表した。
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46035(53/63)

【新德里】印度政府宣布外国直接投资(FDI:foreign direct investment)政策的大幅改革。包括,允许外商拥有航空运输业的100%股权,缓和单一品牌零售业和国防工业的外资规则,大部份行业被适应『自动批准程序(automatic approval route)』,在上月结束的地方选举后开始的改革方案继续推行。
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46036(54/63)
◆Government mulls FDI norms easing in print media, construction, retail

【New Delhi】The government announced sweeping changes in India's foreign direct investment policy, opening up the airline business to 100 per cent ownership, relaxing rules for singlebrand retail and defence and putting most sectors on the automatic approval route, continuing with the reforms programme that was kicked off after state polls ended last month.
○Tax may rise on outbound M&As(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46043(55/63)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46044(56/63)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46045(57/63)
◆Lessons for India on why Israel leads in innovation!

【New Delhi】India and Israel both survive in a very hostile neighbourhood and with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit to the Jewish country, the two democracies are seeing a new high in relations.
○IAN builds startup highway to Israel(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46052(58/63)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46053(59/63)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46054(60/63)
◆Obor can lead to economic colonialism

【New Delhi】Since the start of this century, the world has seen a shift in power balance, courtesy China’s emerging economic might, which challenged a US-dominant unipolar world that had been in existence since 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved, officially ending the Cold War.
○India rolls out the red carpet for Myanmar military chief, with an eye firmly on China(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46091(61/63)

【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は9月27日、財務省次官に、国民総貯蓄計画『プラダン・マントリ・ジャンダン・ユジャナ(PMJDY:Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana=Prime Minister Scheme for People's Wealth)』下にジャンダン口座を開設した国民に発行されるデビット・カード『RuPay』の利用を促進するよう督励した。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46092(62/63)

【新德里】纳伦德拉·莫迪总理于9月27日向各州政府金融服务部门秘书们呼吁促进“借记卡RuPay”的利用。“RuPay借记卡”是在“总理的人民财富计划(PMJDY:Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana)”下开设银行户口的人都拥有。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46093(63/63)
◆PM Narendra Modi for increased use of RuPay debit cards

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi today (September 27, 2017) asked the Secretary, Financial Services, to look at ways to increase the use of RuPay debit cards that have been issued to Jan Dhan account holders.
○Card payments push may land banks with a Rs 3800cr annual hole(...続きを読む)
金融 Finance in 2017
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