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対中関係 Relation with China in 2016
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元のページへ戻る ►2016-10-09 ArtNo.45868(51/54)
◆India less prone to banking crises;risks higher for China: BIS

【Basel/ New Delhi】India is less vulnerable to banking distress among the major economies while neighbouring China faces higher risks, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
○CAD narrows sharply to 0.1% of GDP
○Cabinet clears infrastructure push, allows PSUs to raise Rs 31,300 cr(...続きを読む)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45878(52/54)

【ニューヨーク/ニューデリー】インドは9月21日、パキスタン首相の国連総会における発言は、『事実無根』であり、『脅迫的暴言』であると激しく反発、イスラム過激派組織ズブル・ムジャーヒディーン(Hizbul Mujahideen)のブルハーン・ワニ司令官を賞賛した同相の発言は、世界フォーラムの会場でパキスタンの関与を自ら認めたものに他ならないと主張した。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45879(53/54)

2016-10-09 ArtNo.45880(54/54)
◆India reacts strongly to Sharif's speech at UN

【New York/New Delhi】Strongly reacting to Pakistan Prime Minister's remarks at the UN, India on the 21st September described them as non-factual and full of "threat bluster" and said glorification of Hizbul commander Burhan Wani by him at the world forum is an act of "self-incrimination" by Pakistan.
○India seeks Chinese support to mount pressure on Pakistan
○China caught in a corridor of uncertainty(...続きを読む)
対中関係 Relation with China in 2016
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