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通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2014
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元のページへ戻る ►2014-12-12 ArtNo.45392(151/153)

○SEAnews eBookstore開店
 SEA Researchは、『第三部:聖霊のバプテスマ(禅宗の起源)』を増補した電子書籍『キリスト教の起源』第二版をこのたび上梓、同時にSEAnews eBookstoreを正式オープン致しました。

村上厚(SEA Research社主)
シンガポール 2014年11月 (...続きを読む)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45393(152/153)

○SEAnews eBookstore开张
 SEA Research 增补《第三部:圣灵的施洗(禅宗的起源)》 加入已经出版了第二版《基督教的起源》。 于此同时,SEAnews eBookstore 正式开张。

村上厚(SEA Research社主)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45394(153/153)
◆The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Origin of Zen Buddhism)

○SEAnews eBookstore opens
 SEA Research now publish the second edition of "The Origin of Christianity" with an additional article, subheaded "The part 3: The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Origin of Zen Buddhism)" and start to sell the book through the SEAnews eBookstore which has officially opened.
 This is a turning point of the era for the whole world and people are suffering the pains of labor, just as did also the people in the Mediterranean coast and Western Asia around 2000 years ago.
 It is a pleasure to see this book help people overcome this turbulent era and realize their spiritual rebirth.
Atsushi Murakami
(Owner of SEA Research)
November, 2014 in Singapore(...続きを読む)
通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2014
◄◄◄ back153件の関連記事が見つかりました( 4/4 pageを表示 [ 151~153 ] )next ►►►
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