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社会国民生活 Social and National Life in 2013
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元のページへ戻る ►2013-12-31 ArtNo.44719(51/54)
◆Inflation remained a big challenge for govt, RBI in 2013
【New Delhi】A surge in food prices ripped common man's pockets. As the result, UPA government paid for its failure in the assembly polls in four states and may feel the heat in next year's general elections as well if it is not controlled.(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44732(52/54)
【ニューデリー】統計計画施行省(Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation)傘下の国立標本調査事務所(NSSO:National Sample Survey Office)がこのほど発表した最新統計によれば、農村世帯の59.4%と、都市世帯の8.8%に依然としてトイレがない。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44733(53/54)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44734(54/54)
◆80% rural households have electricity, 59% no toilets
【New Delhi】Data released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, showed "59.4 percent and 8.8 percent households in rural India and urban India, respectively, had no latrine facilities".(...続きを読む)
社会国民生活 Social and National Life in 2013
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