New e-book: "Lamb of Sin-offering"
New e-book: the PDF versions of "Lamb of Sin-offering" in English, Japanese and Chinese editions are now available on Google Play website in 66 countries around the world, and the ePub versions of Japanese and English editions are on Amazon website in 13 countries. All prices are around US $ 2 (\200). Please visit the nearest site and purchase in your favorite currency.
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As Jesus and his disciples went through Samaria to Judea, Thomas said, "Teacher, look, there is a Samaritan with a lamb.'' Then Philip continued, "That Samaritan will kill the lamb and eat it.'' Jesus answered, "It will be not eaten while it lives.'' The disciples burst into laughter and agreed, "That's true.'' Then Jesus added, ``I hope you too find a place of Sabbath now, lest you die and be eaten.''
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Noting that the trends of the "Jewish diaspora" and the "Gentile Jew's church movement'' are deeply related to the birth of Christianity, I have published a series of books, such as "The Origins of Christianity'' in 2013, "An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant (The origin of Christianity)'' in 2020 and "Birth of Judaism and eastern propagation (The origin of Christianity)'' in 2022. So this time I tried to explain how Jesus himself responded to these trends and to summarize how Jesus got involved in these currents by the style of a novel.
What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven." (John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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