Jesus said, "Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is the end will be. Blessings on one whostands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death."(Thomas 18)
Thomas intended to explain that where the beginning is, the end will be. The one who stands at the beginning will know the end and get eternal life. One who binds start in his life with its end and makes steps forward is a man who lives in heaven while staying in this world. He criticized Orthodox Churches' eschatology and resurrection theory through these Jesus' words.
He said, "A [...] person owned a vineyard and rented it to some farmers, so they could work it and he could collect its crop from them. He sent his slave so the farmers would give him the vineyard's crop. They grabbed him, beat him, and almost killed him, and the slave returned and told his master. His master said, 'Perhaps he didn't know them.' He sent another slave, and the farmers beat that one as well. Then the master sent his son and said, 'Perhaps they'll show my son some respect.' Because the farmers knew that he was the heir to the vineyard, they grabbed him and killed him. Anyone here with two ears had better listen!" (Thomas 65)
Jesus said, "Show me the stone that the builders rejected: that is the keystone." (Thomas 66)
According to Mr. Sasagu Arai, the above Gospel of Thomas' version of "Parable of vineyard" is quite different from the synoptic gospels' versions in their details.
According to Mr. Arai, 'a good person (A [...] person)' means 'Propate (the highest and ultimate entity),' 'Vineyard' is 'prepared soil,' 'collect its crop' is 'original self,' and 'Farmers' means 'unoriginal self.' The farmers persecuted his slaves because of 'ignorance' of 'the person who was sent.' 'The heir' sent by the owner is 'Jesus.'
Because the farmers knew that he was the heir to the vineyard, they killed him. It seems to contradict 'ignorance' as a motive for persecution. However, 'the farmers knew that he was an heir' was a superficial thing, and essentially they did not know it.
The meaning of 'Jesus' suffering and death' in the Gospel of Thomas is, like the other Gnostic Gospels, a hardship to obtain 'harvest (the original self)' and he who was killed was not Jesus' substitution. Still, the Gospel of Thomas does not accept "Jesus' resurrection from the dead." All of the Gospel of Mark, Matthew, and Luke quote the Greek version of Psalm 21:23 as it is, saying "'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone," and suggest the resurrection of Jesus who was killed. While the Gospel of Thomas says, "Show me the stone that the builders rejected: that is the keystone," and reconfirms that 'the true living person' will not die even if he is physically killed,' as the Gospel says in its verse 11. In other words, 'Jesus is living God from the beginning' and there is no death for Jesus. The Gospel of Philip describes this point as follows; Those who say that the Lord died first and (then) rose up are in error, for he rose up first and (then) died. If one does not first attain the resurrection, he will not die. As God lives, he would [...]. (Philip 21)
The baptism of the Holy Spirit
These contents of the Gospel of Thomas are reminiscent of the Koanroku (公案録) of Zen Buddhism. And the fact that the masters of Rinzai Zen Buddhism give students training assignments called 'koan (公案trial cases)' is also considered to be influenced by Jing-jiao's theory of 'Last Day = Last Judgment'.
The Greek word Parakletos ('ο Παρακλητος) in the Chapter 15 verse 26 of the Gospel of John ("When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.") is translated to 'Comforter,' 'Counselor' and 'Advocate' in the English Bibles, that is. the King James Version (KJV), the New International Version (NIV) and the New Living Translation (NLT) respectively. The hard work for the each translator can be seen there.
The original text of Q Source that the author of The Gospel of John referred to here should be the following description of verse 88 of The Gospel of Thomas.
Jesus said, "The messengers and the prophets will come to you and give you what belongs to you. You, in turn, give them what you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what belongs to them?'" (Thomas 88)
That is to say, what the Spirit of truth will give to us has belonged to us from the beginning. Therefore when we are baptized also depends on ourselves, or when we are prepared. In other words, when we have discovered that we have been one with God from the beginning, we will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Hensho: 2020-09-01)
'Kanwa (看話: meditation of word)' and 'Mokusho (黙照: Silent Illumination)'
Today, Zen Buddhism in Japan is generally divided into two groups: Rinzai Buddhism (臨済宗), which favors the discipline of koan (公案) training called 'Kanwa (看話: meditation of word)' and Soto Buddhism (曹洞宗), which uses 'Mokusho (黙照: Silent Illumination)' as the fundamental approach to enlightenment. One day, a monk asked Zen Master FengXue, "Speech or silence is just a half of reality, how can I capture the whole thing?" Then Fengxue sang a passage of great poet DuFu(杜甫) saying, "I always remember Jiangnan (江南) in the third month, partridges calling amidst all the flowers so fragrant." (Wumenguan CASE 24)
Wumen Huikai (無門慧開1182-1260), who wrote "Wumenguan (無門関Gateless Barrier)", an analects of Koan during the Southern Song Dynasty (南宋1127-1279), commented this koan (Wumenguan Case 24) saying, "FengXue's spirit is like lightening. It catches the target and runs straight away. But why does he rest upon the tip of ancient one's tongue (DuFu's poem) and not cut it off? If you realize this deeply, a way (of spiritual rebirth) will be found naturally. Just leave all words behind and say one phrase." He also gave us another advice in his following verse;
FengXue does not speak in his usual style;
Before he says anything,
the secret, which the thousand sages have not transmitted, is already manifested.
If you go chattering glibly,
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Prophecy of Jesus
"One who binds start in his life with its end and makes a step forward is a man who lives in heaven while staying in this world." is a comment that a certain westerner used to describe the life of Jesus.
Jesus was not crucified only once at the end of thirty-four years of his life but the thirty-four years of his life itself was the Crucifixion. For him, everything in his life was fulfilment of the word of God that had been determined in advance. When the word of God that had been determined for him was testified by his works in his life, the human race obtained the immortal scripture. (August 1957 Ekoshi回光子)
Tokutaro Murakami(村上徳太郎), the founder of Toko Shoin (東光書院), who had seen through this truth in a ruined land of Japan suffered a crushing defeat, started to publish the monthly newsletter "Eko(回光)", and launched the Eko-movement(回光運動), a campaign calling for "Turnning the light inward illuminate the Self (回光返照の退歩)."
In fact, from beginning to end, every act, even inaction, of a person's life is the fulfillment of the Word of God, and those who realize this will not have to wait for the "last days" or having to travel to the pure land , which is ttens of millions of miles away from this world, but can attain Buddhahood at onece during life. Zen Master Dogen tought us "Learn to withdraw, turning the light inwards, illuminating the Self" and recommended just to sit straight.
Republishing web/email messages called "Eko (回光)"
Eko(回光), which was first published in November 1946 by my father, Tokutaro Murakami, was discontinued with the August 1, 2017 issue due to the death of his successor and my older brother, Takeru Murakami.
I, Murakami Atsushi (回光庵返照), came up with the idea of republishing occasional web/email messages called "Eko (回光)". July 31, 2023
《The Gateless Barrier》CASE 24: Detachment From Words
A monk asked FengXue in all earnestness, "Both speech and silence are concerned with ri (離) and mi (微). How can we transcend them?" FengXue said, "I constantly think of Konan (江南) in March, where partridges are chirping among hundreds of fragrant blossoms."
Ri (離) is to detach from phenomena and keep silence, that is, the body of dharmata (the true nature of reality法性).
Mi (微) means "subtle and incredible," that is, the use of dharmata.
FengXue's activity of mind is like lightening. When he gains the road, he immediately dash to the target. But why does he rest upon the tip of ancient one's tongue and not cut it off? If you realize this deeply, a way (of spiritual rebirth) will be found naturally. Just leave all words behind and say one phrase.
FengXue does not speak in his usual style;
Before he says anything, it is already manifested.
If you go chattering glibly,
You should be ashamed of yourself.
What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven." (John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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