”An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant” slide show Episode 7:Birth of Judaism and eastern propagation
<Slide show Episode 7>
Circumcision in Gilgal
All the Jews fled from Egypt with Moses had died while wandering through the Sinai wilderness for 40 years.(Joshua 5:6) For this reason, Joshua, the leader of the Ephraim tribe, nominated by Moses as his successor, who had sent all the people of Israel to the west bank, including about forty thousand warriors of the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh who had settled on the east bank, ordered everyone to circumcise in Gilgal. (Joshua chapters 3-5)
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The above description in the Book of Joshua, the sixth book of the Old Testament, suggests that the nomads who conquered Canaan on the west bank of the Jordan River were uncircumcised non-Jews and different from the Jews who had escaped Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
According to Israeli research agency Amishav, organisation aimed at seeking the Lost Tribes of Israel, the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, who had settled on the eastern bank of the Jordan River around at that time, have had the Y chromosome gene D, which is characteristic of Paleo-Mongoloids such as Jomon people (縄文人), indigenous people of the Japanese archipelago and Tibetans, thus they seem to have been genetically different from the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob (also known as Israel), including Joseph (their father)'s tribe.
If the Paleo-Mongoloid nomads who had settled on the eastern bank of the Jordan River had not attacked the west bank and had not mass converted to Judaism, the ancient kingdom of Israel would not have been founded and the Five Books of Moses (Torah) would also not have been established.
Time difference between Exodus and Canaan conquest
It should be noted that Moses died at the age of 120 and Joshua at the age of 110. They were horribly long-lived. This implies that there was a time difference of two to three generations in the two historical facts around the end of the 13th century BC, which was the basis of the legends of Exodus and the conquest of Canaan. In addition, the process by which nomads on the eastern bank of the Jordan conquered the city-state of farmers on the west bank appears to have spanned several generations. When this part of the Old Testament was created in Solomon's court in the 900s BC, the Old Testament editors decided that not only Moses and Joshua but all of these legendary characters were long-lived and made ends meet.
Documentary hypothesis
Regarding the birth of the Old Testament, the theory called "Documentary hypothesis" was established during the 18th century and the 19th century. Based on this theory, Torah is not a unified work from a single author, that is. Moses, but is made up of sources combined over many centuries by many hands.
According to the German theologian Julius Wellhausen; Jahwist was the earliest document, a product of the 900s BC and the court of Solomon; Elohist was from the 8th century BCE in the northern Kingdom of Israel, and had been combined by a redactor (editor) with Jahwist to form a document JE; Deuteronomium the third source, was a product of the 7th century BC, by 620 BCE, during the reign of King Josiah; Priesterschrift was a product of the priest-and-temple dominated world of the 6th century BC.
Jahwist is the temporary name of the Bible editor after the designation of God in the kingdom of Judah. Elohist is the temporary name of the Bible editor after the designation of God in the North Kingdom of Israel. Priesterschrift is documentation on the law in the five books except Deuteronomy and Mr. Wellhausen sees that they were written after the first Babylonian capture of Jerusalem around 550 BC.
Archaeological record of Exodus
According to Mr. Shlomo Sand, Professor of history at Tel Aviv University, the still-powerful pharaohs (19th Dynasty BC 1293 - BC 1185, 20th Dynasty BC 1185 - BC 1070) ruled the Promised Land Canaan in the thirteenth century BCE when the people of Israel escaped from Egypt and Joshua, the successor of Moses, conquered Canaan. The ancient Egyptians kept meticulous records of every event including in Canaan. Yet there is not a single mention of any "Children of Israel" who lived in Egypt, or rebelled against it, or emigrated from it at any time.
Perhaps, though Moses led a few tribes, which mainly consisted of the Levites and Joseph tribes and were small enough for Egyptian officials to ignore them, and emigrated to the Sinai Peninsula, those escapees seem to have been extinguished almost all, including Moses, while wandering through the Sinai wilderness for 40 years. However, in the region from Mesopotamia to Egypt, there were nomads who shared a legend similar to the twelve tribes of Israel and the tale of Moses' Exodus was too, handed down among them.
Mass conversion
Although the Ephraim and Manasseh tribes joined forces to invade the west bank of the Jordan River, the tribes alone could not compete with the urban nation of farmers, so they seem to have thought of getting the cooperation of the twelve tribes of Israel, including the Reuben and Gad tribes, by mass conversion to Judaism by themselves. And when this part of the Old Testament was created in Solomon's court, the story of Joseph having two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, in Egypt and the story of Moses nominating Joshua of the Ephraim as his successor seem to have been inserted.
Birth of Judaism
If both tribes did not invade the west bank of the Jordan River and did not mass convert to Judaism, perhaps, the incident of Moses' Exodus would have been forgotten, and neither the founding of the ancient Kingdom of Israel nor the establishment of the Pentateuch would have occurred.
Joshua (or several leaders of the Ephraim tribe who became the model of Joshua), who allegedly ordered all the Israelites to be circumcised in Gilgal, unearthed the origins of the Jews and the exodus legend and laid the foundation for Judaism and seems to have established the unity of religion and politics based on the covenant of the single founder Abraham and God, that is, a union of independent tribes.
Eastern transmission of Judaism and the First Yamato Administration
According to recent genetic studies, the ancestors of the Jomon people, which were carrying the "Y chromosome D2 gene" as same as the Ephraim and Manasseh tribes, seem to have come to the Japanese archipelago via Saharin, by about 16,500 years ago.
Perhaps the tribe of Ephraim, which had been interacting with the inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago before Moses' Exodus and Joshua's Conquest of Canaan, brought Judaism to Japan after the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel and was believed to have contributed to the founding of the first Yamato dynasty by Nigihayahinomikoto (饒速日尊).
Manasseh and the Second Yamato Administration
On the other hand, Emperor Jimmu, who was a descendant of Tenson Ninigi no Mikoto (天孫瓊瓊杵尊) descended to Mt. Takachiho in Tsukushi of Kitakyushu, and annexed the first Yamato administration and established the second Yamato administration, seems to have been a leader of Korean Peninsula-linked clan, because according to the description in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, his elder brother Inaino Mikoto (稲飯命) is said to have been Silla (新羅) Kings' ancestor.
And also, the Christians Hata clan, who are believed to be descendants of the Manasseh tribe, seem to have stayed in Silla before they came to Japan. During the time of Prince Shotoku (聖徳太子), Silla presented to Japan a statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva sitting contemplatively in the half-lotus position (弥勒菩薩半跏思惟像) with the shape of fingers of its right hand symbolized the doctrine of Jingjiao(景教Keikyo: Luminous Religion) 'Three-One mysterious substance (三一妙身).'
Father more, according to the book Honchokouinjohunroku (本朝皇胤紹運録), which was compiled in the early days of Muromachi era (室町時代), Emperor Ankan(安閑天皇) had a prince called Toyohikomiko (豊彦王), and Toyohikomiko and Hata Kawakatsu (秦河勝) were the same person. If this is the case, then Emperor Keitai, that is, Emperor Ankan's father, would also be a member of the Hata clan, who came from Korea and who is said to be a descendant of the first Emperor of Qin.
From these facts, the second Yamato administration around at the time of its inauguration seems to have had a close relationship with the Manasseh tribe.
Origin of Shinto(神道)
According to the Sendai kuji hongi, Prince Shotoku studied primitive Shintoism called 'Sogen Shinto (宗源神道)' from Nakatomi Mikeko (中臣御食子), the father of Nakatomi Kamatari (中臣鎌足). It explains that Sogen Shinto is only one great god to be believed in, that is, the primitive way. So it seems to be 'monotheism.' In the book 'The First Beginning of the Shinto of Yamato Imperial Court (元初の神大和朝廷の始元),' Mr. Yoshisada Amabe (海部穀定), the priest of the Konojinja Shrine (籠神社), also says, "The godliness in Japan, before the 8th century, when the Nippon Shoki (日本書紀) and Kojiki (古事記) were established, was a monotheistic Shinto."
Incidentally, regarding Uzamasa (太秦) in Kyoto where many Hata people lived, the late Professor Yoshiro Saeki of Waseda University said, "'Uzumasa' derives from Aramaic 'Yeshu Mesiach,' meaning 'Jesus, Messiah.'" Hata Clan built Koryu-ji Temple (広隆寺) there. However, it was not a Buddhist temple at first, but a place of worship for Shinto Christian. There is the statue of Maitreya, of which right hand's shape similar to the symbol of the Trinity in the Eastern Christian Church, Protestant Bible commentator Mr. Arimasa Kubo, who was the first pastor of the Ikebukuro-Nishi Church, points out.
Prince Shotoku issued 'Edict of Godliness' in 607. Thus he appears to have basically stood on Shintoism and tried to reconcile Confucianism, Buddhism, and Shinto.
Meiji Emperor said to Princess Shinobu, "Shinto had originally been a Jewish religion and later integrated into primitive Christianity." So the Japanese imperial family may have converted from Judaism to primitive Christianity at that time. And 'primitive Christianity' may have referred to the Jacobite which was faithful to the Mosaic Law, including 'circumcision.'
Sublation of "Exclusive Monotheism"
Incidentally Moses, who had written down Deuteronomy and had died looking at the land of Canaan, said in the Deuteronomy, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." (De 6:4-5) In other words, there are many gods, but the Israelites must believe in only one god. He did not assume 'the only one and absolute god.'
Professor of history at Tel Aviv University Shlomo Sando calls this 'exclusive monotheism.' Christianity seems initially to have inherited the 'Exclusive Monotheism,' but later to have come to assume the 'only one and absolute god' in the process of forming the concept of the Trinity of God Yahweh, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
On the other hand, Jingjiao (景教:Luminous Religion) Christians, who had set off eastward and encountered Buddhism in India and Confucianism and Taoism in China, etc., seem to have created a new form of religion that could coexist with Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and so on, just as Abraham's family had assimilated to Canaan's indigenous monotheism. The shrines that Hata Clan (秦氏) deployed throughout Japan can be said to be the finest.
The Jews originally worshiped the different ancestors of twelve to fourteen tribes, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as their guardian deities. But Moses (actually it seems to be Joshua) decided to reorganize these nomadic tribes into a union of independent tribes and establish the unity of religion and politics based on the covenant of the single founder Abraham and God and then to overthrow the agricultural people's city states in Canaan.
Prince Shotoku (聖徳太子) adopted this strategy under the cooperation of Hata Clan, and tried to let eight million patron gods of clans from all over Japan be devotion to the glorious virtues (御稜威) of the common ancestral deity Amaterasuomikami (天照大御神), the Sun-Goddess, so that the imperial system of single line from time immemorial (万世一系の天皇制) would be established. However, Judaism of the Northern Israel, which had accepted Egyptian faith of the Holy Calf and Canaanites' indigenous idolatry, may have been introduced to Japan long before that by the Tenson Clan (天孫族).
What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven." (John 3:32)
How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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