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2016-10-12 ArtNo.45892
◆The fourth edition of "The origin of Christianity" has been published
【Sponsored Story】The fourth edition of "The origin of Christianity" has been published through "Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)" and "SEAnews eBookstore."
 SEA Research, which had published English and Chinese editions of an ebook titled "The Origin of Christianity", together with the Japanese version in cooperation with Inlingua School of Languages Pte Ltd and a local Chinese associate in Singapore on the August, 2013, now has published the fourth edition replenishing the contents of the "Part 3: The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Origin of Zen Buddhism)"

○eBook making process
 The fourth edition of "The origin of Christianity" has been published. Its ePUB format and PDF format have been released through <Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)> and <SEAnews eBookstore>, respectively.
 Along with this opportunity, I decided to publish the production process of ePUB and PDF versions of this e-book using "JustSystems Ichitaro 2012" and another PDF version made with "Microsoft Word." I would be glad if you use it as a reference. Atsuhi Murakami

○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
 According to the dialectic of the Gospel of John,
【Thesis】"A man can possess eternal life through accepting testimony of the Son of man and being baptized by him." (John 5:24)
【Anti-thesis】But "The one who comes from the earth cannot accept the testimony by one from heaven."(John 3:32)
 How then can a man possess eternal life?
【Synthesis】"If you want to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can just go back to the word which was with God in the beginning (John 1:1) and certify that God is truthful. (John 3:33)"
 When he said, "You are Huichao," Zen Master Fayan thrusted vivid Self in Huichao in front of his eyes.
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