1996-11-19 ArtNo.8429
【シンガポール】シンガポール証取(SES)上場を予定する香港拠点のモールド・ベース・メーカー、Lung Kee Metals(LKM)は、7500万HKドル(S$1350万)を投じて上海、広州、マレーシアに新工場を建設、中国、東南アジア、日本、欧州市場を開拓する計画だ。
New issue: the PDF versions of "An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant (The origin of Christianity)" in English, Japanese and Chinese editions are now available on Google Play website in 66 countries around the world, and the ePub versions of Japanese and English editions are on Amazon website in 13 countries. All prices are worth US $ 4. Please visit the nearest site and purchase in your favorite currency.
新书: 『盟约之民的史诗故事 (基督教的起源)』 的PDF形式中文,日文和英文版 在全球66个国家/地区的Google Play网站上, ePub形式日语和英语版本 则在13个国家/地区的Amazon网站上,以均为4美元的价格已出版,请访问最方便的网站,以您喜欢的货币购买。
新刊: 契約の民の流浪史 (キリスト教の起源) の 日・英・中三言語のPDF版 が世界66カ国のGoogle Play Webサイトで、また 日本語と英語のePub版 が13カ国のアマゾンWebサイトで、それぞれ発売されました。お値段はいずれも4米ドル相当です。最寄りのサイトにアクセスし、お好みの通貨でご購入下さい。
An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant (The origin of Christianity)
In the region from Mesopotamia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river to Palestine, city states, where agricultural and nomadic people had lived together, have risen and fallen since ancient times. The agricultural people played leading role in the most of these city states. However, the nomads traded not only with Egypt in the west but also with India and China in the east and served as catalysts for cross-cultural fusion.
These nomads include not only tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph and Benjamin, who have cultural backgrounds of Mesopotamia and Egypt, but also Manasseh and Ephraim, who have the Y chromosome gene D, which is characteristic of the Tibetans and the Jomon people (縄文人), the indigenous people of the Japanese archipelago, and seem to have been belonged to the Paleo-Mongoloids. They had also believed in different patron gods. But they formed a union of independent tribes and established the unity of religion and politics based on the covenant of the single founder Abraham and God from 3,000 to 4,000 years ago in Palestine region and appeared on history's center stage replacing agricultural people. Thus the People of the Covenant was born.
St. Thomas traveled to Assyria around 35 C.E., two years after Jesus' ascension, and went on a mission to India, and then evangelized to China via Tibet, reached the present Beijing (北京) in 62 C.E., and seems to have established an organized church (congregation), too. By the way, why did Thomas go to the northern frontier town called Ji Xian (薊県), but not Luo Yang (洛陽) or Chang An (長安), capital cities of the later Han (后漢)?
Come to think of it, on the monument of 'Reconstruction of the Temple of Purity and Truth (重建清真寺記碑)' discovered in Kaifeng city (開封市) of eastern Henan province (河南省) of China, it is said to be written that the Jews first arrived in the city in 231 BC, when General Ben Wang (王賁) of Qin (秦) reduced Wei (魏)'s capital city, Daliang (大梁: current Kaifeng City), and formed a Jewish community. Almost ten years later, in 226 BC, General Ben Wang reduced Yan (燕)'s royal capital, Jicheng (薊城, now the city of Beijing), and Kingdom of Yan was extinguished in 222 BC.
Seen as the mother tribe of Qin (秦), the Qiang (羌) tribe was literally herders that grazed sheep, and was a typical descendants of Manasseh, according to Israeli research agency Amishav, organisation aimed at seeking the Lost Tribes of Israel.
If so, when St. Thomas visited former Yan (燕)'s royal capital Jicheng (薊城), the Jewish community there might have had a close relationship with Yamato Kingdom (大和国), which Nigihayahinomikoto (饒速日尊) had established under the cooperation of the Jewish tribe Ephraim, and Hata clan (秦氏), which was descendants of the Manasseh tribe and had been naturalized in Yamato in the Emperor Ojin (応神天皇)'s reign.
While the descriptions in the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀) and Kojiki (古事記) imply that the Japanese imperial family has blood relations with both Silla (新羅) and Baekje (百済) and it appears that the Ephraim and Manasseh tribes of the ten lost tribes of Israel seem to have acted as mediators of them.
According to the Israeli research agency Amishav, Hata clan seems to have been the descendants of the tribe Manasseh. If the description in "Honchokouinshounroku (本朝皇胤紹運録)" is correct, the current royal family, which belongs to Emperor Keitai's direct line, is likely to be the descendants of the Manasseh tribe.
这些游牧民族不仅包括具有美索不达米亚和埃及文化背景的,流便(Reuben),西缅(Simeon),利未(Levi),犹大(Judah),西布伦(Zebulun),以萨迦(Issachar),但(Dan),迦得(Gad),亚设(Asher),拿弗他利(Naphtali),约瑟(Joseph)和便雅悯(Benjamin)以外,而且具有被称藏族和古代日本群岛土著绳文人,就是古蒙古人(Paleo-Mongoloids)特征的『Y染色体基因D』的玛拿西(Manasseh)和以法莲(Ephraim)。他们并信奉不一样的氏族神。但是大约在3000年到4000年前,巴勒斯坦地区的游牧民族组织了基于单一始祖亚伯拉罕与上帝盟约的一个独立的部落联盟,也就是政教合一的政体从而取代农业民族首次出现在历史舞台上作为主角。这就是『盟约之民(People of the Covenant)』的诞生。