【New Delhi】With the success of the maiden debt exchange traded fund (ETF) in December, the Centre will come out with a new tranche of Bharat Bond ETF of at least Rs 20,000 crore in FY21, and may also float a new 5-year debt fund under the scheme to help the central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) mobilise a part of their annual borrowings in a cost-efficient manner.
In December, Bharat Bond ETF had mobilised Rs 12,400 crore for CPSEs via two investment options — a short-term instrument for 3 years (Bharat Bond ETF April 2023) and a long-term one for 10 years (Bharat Bond ETF April 2030). The ETF's new fund offer (NFO) of Rs 7,000 crore was oversubscribed by nearly 1.8 times.
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