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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46738
◆Ipca and Cadila Healthcare gear up to make drug for coronavirus

【Mumbai】Hydroxychloroquine, a drug whose largest manufacturer is an Indian firm, has shot into the limelight after the US president advocated it as potential therapy for COVID-19.
 Ipca is the biggest producer of the drug. Cadila Healthcare, based in Ahmedabad, too is a major player. Both are gearing up to meet the demand and have said there will be enough supplies.

○Delhi Police vacate Shaheen Bagh of CAA protesters

【New Delhi】As India remains in a lockdown to check the spread of coronavirus, police on March 24 evicted protesters from Shaheen Bagh, the ground zero of the recent agitation against Citizenship (Amendment) Act.
 "Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures," Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had tweeted.
【News source】

Ipca and Cadila Healthcare gear up to make drug for coronavirus

Delhi Police vacate Shaheen Bagh of CAA protesters

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