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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46681
◆Jinnah's idea winning in India: Shashi Tharoor on CAA

【Jaipur】Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said that if the Citizenship Amendment Act leads to the implementation of the NPR and the NRC, it would be a complete victory for Pakistan's founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
 He said that Jinnah's idea of a country was already winning in India with the contentious Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) coming into effect, but asserted that there was still a choice available. "I would not say Jinnah has completely won, but I would say Jinnah is winning. There is still a choice available to the nation between Jinnah's idea of a country and Gandhiji's idea of a country," he said on the sidelines of the Jaipur Literature Festival on Sunday.

○Anti-CAA resolutions are political statements: Shashi Tharoor

【Jaipur】Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on January 26 said the resolutions against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, passed by several Assemblies recently, were " political statements" through which they had conveyed their apprehensions about the Centre's intent behind linking nationality with religion.
 "The States need the Union authorities to understand in their sadness," he stated.

○Why SP and BSP are reluctant to take advantage of CAA turmoil in UP?
【Lucknow】As Uttar Pradesh went through a deep turmoil, following the agitation against the CAA and the crackdown on dissenters, SP and BSP strangely remained muted.
【News source】

Jinnah's idea winning in India: Shashi Tharoor on CAA

Anti-CAA resolutions are political statements: Shashi Tharoor

Why SP and BSP are reluctant to take advantage of CAA turmoil in UP?

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The aim of SEAnews is to realize one world that overcomes race / religion / ideological differences.

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