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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46474
◆J&K assembly dissolution triggers a nationalism vs anti-nationalism debate

【Srinagar】The local daily newspapers reported that the dissolution of the Jammu and Kashmir assembly on November 21 had triggered a nationalism versus anti-nationalism debate in the sensitive state of Jammu and Kashmir.
 Governor Satya Pal Malik, the first political person to occupy Raj Bhavan in the state, cited four reasons for doing what he did, and the most serious among them was that parties with serious ideological differences could not have provided a stable government.
 People's Democratic Party (PDP) president and former Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Monday ruled out moving the court against the decision saying she will go to 'people's court' instead. "Some sincere suggestions from the well-wishers for me to go to court against Governor's dissolution of the assembly. PDP, National Conference (NC), Indian National Congress (INC) had come together to safeguard state interests. It is my considered opinion that we must go to people's court which is superior to any other forum (sic)," she tweeted.
 On the other hand, People's Conference leader Sajjad Lone too, staked claim to form the government. While Mehbooba claimed support of 15 National Conference (NC) MLAs and 12 legislators of Congress besides 28 members of her party, Lone claimed support of 25 BJP lawmakers and 18 unnamed legislators besides two members of his PC. The governor cited "extensive horse-trading" and the "impossibility" of forming a stable government by coming together of political parties with "opposing political ideologies" for dissolving the assembly.
 Meanwhile, kashmirpen.com on November 14 reported that the Centre might announce fresh assembly election date In JK next month. "In politics, they say, perception is everything. Within political circles in the Kashmir valley, the perception is fast gaining ground that the BJP has decided on its alliance partner for assembly elections in the state which may be announced by next month. And the man they have decided to partner with who could eventually become the next CM of Kashmir is Sajjad Gani Lone, son of former separatist leader Abdul Gani Lone, who was assassinated in 2002. The affinity between the saffron party and Lone — a former separatist leader who is now a mainstream politician — had been building up for some time, political observers say.

【News source】

J&K assembly dissolution triggers a nationalism vs anti-nationalism debate

'Will go to ‘people’s court’ over J&K guv’s decision'

Sajjad Lone: The man BJP may choose as next J&K CM

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