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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2016-06-06 ArtNo.45763
◆This is an exciting time for India and China to join hands for future: Indian President

【Guangzhou】"As I stand before you today, I would, at the very outset, like to say that this is an exciting time for India and China to reinforce the old linkages and join hands for new." Indian President Pranab Mukherjee addressed at the India-China Business Forum in Guangzhou, China, on May 25.
 This historic city has always been an important port of call for Indian business. It is here that we find the ancient foundations of the thriving trade and economic ties that exist between India and China today. Han Shu (Book of Han) of second century BCE talks about a direct sea route from Guangdong to Kanchipuram in south India. As early as the fourth century BCE, Chinese silk is mentioned in Kautilya's treatise, the Arthashastra. It is noteworthy that the age-old commercial contacts between our peoples - through land and sea routes - have so successfully evolved, flourished and expanded - and spanned the centuries without interruption.
○Beijing at it again, now says India-Iran Chabahar deal will help China

【Beijing】China just won't let up with the disdainful comments about India. For an entire month, it has been stridently talking about how it will keep India away from the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
 And now, it's trying to diminish India's recent deal with Iran to develop the Chabahar port, by saying it will be of great benefit to Beijing's multinationals as well, so it isn't "jealous".
 "It is clear that the improvement of infrastructure in Central Asia will also provide opportunities for Chinese multinational corporations, which hope to find potential overseas markets in the region", China's state-run newspaper, Global Times wrote.
【News source】

Chinese participation in Make in India welcome

Beijing at it again, now says India-Iran Chabahar deal will help China

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