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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2016-06-06 ArtNo.45757
◆PM presents report card ‘live’

【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented his “report card” of two years at the helm of the NDA government in a five-and-a-half-hour television talkathon over the national broadcaster, Doordarshan, terming his government’s work as a the beginning of a “new dawn”, and the result of “keeping the interests of the common man front and centre.”
 Modi also attacked those questioning his government's performance, asserting it had launched over 700 schemes and vowing to pursue development without treading the "path of sin" even if it meant some tasks remained undone.
○Two years on, Modi manifesto scores 70/100

【New Delhi】The Narendra Modi Government has fulfilled 18 per cent of the promises the BJP made in its election manifesto, and work is in progress on 52 per cent, going by the numbers.
 According to the Hindu, that finding comes from ‘Kulhar’, an organisation founded by Mr. Kush Sharma, who has been a researcher with both the BJP and the Congress.
 However, an observer says, "Modi ji scored 18/100 and not 70/100. because promises which are under progress will be under progress in 2019 also by their speed."
 While, the Economic Times says; Maybe it was the resounding win in Assam just a week earlier or even the equally conclusive rejection of the principal opposition party in the same set of elections, but the commemoration of the second year of the Narendra Modi government has been significantly less tentative than the first.
【News source】

PM presents report card ‘live’

Will not tread 'path of sin' to pursue development: Modi

Two years on, Modi manifesto scores 70/100

If last two years are any indication, India could be on the cusp of an exciting Modi revolution

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