【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 5th of November emphasised on indigenous manufacturing to help slash the defence budget by 50 per cent within a decade.
Addressing 'Visitors' conference at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Modi also stressed on developing "local" technology to help people deal with daily challenges as well as the need to provide a proper environment and mobilise resources to encourage "innovation."
○BrahMos missile to be integrated on fighter aircraft: HAL
【New Delhi】The jointly developed India-Russia supersonic cruise missile, BrahMos, is all set to be the first of its kind to be integrated on a fighter aircraft for the Indian Air Force, claims Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). BrahMos is a precision strike weapon.
Earlier this year, HAL handed over the first Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft modified for the BrahMos missile. While the Indian Army & Indian Navy have already inducted the missile in service, the air-version of the BrahMos is scheduled to be flight tested by the IAF soon.
○India has 75-125 nuclear weapons: US report
【Washington】Stating that India has "one of the largest nuclear power programmes" among developing nations, Institute for Science and International Security, a US-based think-tank has said by the end of 2014 India had enough weapon-grade plutonium to possess an estimated stock of atomic weapons in the range of 75-125.
However, India's stockpiles of nuclear weapons is much less than that of neighboring Pakistan, according to a recent report.
【News source】
PM for indigenous manufacturing to cut defence budget by 50 pc
BrahMos missile "first of its kind" in the world to be integrated on fighter aircraft: HAL
India has 75-125 nuclear weapons: US report
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