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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2015-09-16 ArtNo.45493
◆India among few bright spots, says IMF Chief

【Ankara】International Monetary Fund Chief Christine Lagarde has said that India is among the few bright spots in the global economy.
 Her remarks came at the meeting of G20 Finance Minister and Central Bank Governors on the 4th of September where they discussed Chinese economic slowdown and monetary policy uncertainties looming large on global markets.
 Lagarde told the gathering that between advanced and emerging economies, there are problems in most of the places in advanced world, while in emerging economies, there are problems in China although not that big as stock markets are making it to be, officials present at the meeting said.

【News source】

India among few bright spots in global economy, says IMF Chief

IMF chief says India is among few bright spots in global economy

IMF chief says India is among few bright spots in global economy

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