SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2014-06-13 ArtNo.45115
◆Pharma M&As to drive Infosys' life sciences biz
【Bangalore】Infosys, India’s second largest software services company, expects the recent spate of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the global pharmaceutical sector to boost its life sciences business over the next 12 months.
 “There is a lot of M&A activity happening in the life sciences space. When M&A is typically initiated, budgets are tightly controlled, because companies are hoarding cash to ward off (rival bids) and to make the sale happen,” said Manish Tandon, senior vice-president and global segment head of life sciences. “As these M&As are fructified in the next six months to a year, a lot of new work will be generated. We are confident we will get a lot of business there.”
○Venus Remedies gets patent for anti-ICU infection drug
【Chandigarh】The GLP-accredited research centre of Venus Remedies Limited, headquartered at Panchkula in Haryana, Venus Medicine Research Center has received another patent grant for a novel antibiotic product, VRP008, an anti-ICU infection drug.
 This product, which consists of a carbapenem and a novel amino glycoside (NCE entity) from EPO, is the outcome of eight years of research by Venus Medicine Research Centre, pioneering into antimicrobial resistance research.
【News source】

Pharma M&As to drive Infosys' life sciences biz

Venus Remedies gets patent for anti-ICU infection drug

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