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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2014-05-24 ArtNo.45055
◆Modi regime might fuel FDI rush into real estate
【New Delhi】With a clear mandate for a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government at the Centre, developers and experts are expecting a revival and an increased inflow of foreign investments into the realty sector.
 According to the department of industrial policy and promotion data, foreign direct investment (FDI) into the construction sector - townships, housing, built-up infrastructure - declined to about $1 billion in April 2013-February 2014 from $3.1 billion in April 2011-March 2012.
○Gujarat’s solar success may shine on nation
【Chennai】The renewable energy industry has welcomed the prospect of a BJP-led NDA Government as it feels that Narendra Modi understands the industry well.
 Industry experts have also taken note of the fact that the BJP has had a ‘Non Conventional Energy Cell’ for a couple of years now, which, according to a member of the cell, will be rejuvenated and expanded now.
【News source】

Modi regime might fuel FDI rush into real estate

Gujarat’s solar success may shine on nation

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