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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2014-03-28 ArtNo.44902
◆Maruti wants Hansalpur plant pact reworked
【Ahmedabad】Even as the stand-off between Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) and its mutual fund investors continues, the company has approached the Gujarat government to rework the state support agreement (SSA) for its manufacturing site, to come up at Hansalpur.
 Sources said the company had approached the state government to rework the SSA to accommodate new arrangements. At the end of January, the MSIL board had approved a proposal the Gujarat plant be built by a wholly owned subsidiary of MSIL's parent, Japan-based Suzuki Motor. "The proposal was recently discussed by the state chief secretary's committee on mega projects (entailing investment of about Rs 1,000 crore) and has been forwarded to the finance department to be reviewed," said a senior government official close to the development. A senior finance department official confirmed this. Sources said the state government's stand was the project should get a go-ahead; it shouldn't be stuck in the nitty-gritty of the new arrangements.

【News source】

Maruti wants Hansalpur plant pact reworked

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