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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2014-02-18 ArtNo.44851
◆Through SEAnews develop China and Japan tourism markets
【Sponsored Story】SEAnews' banner ads and sponsored stories are simple and cost-effective ideal means to develop tourist markets in China and Japan.
 Through SEAnews, please develop the tourist markets in China which is riding a wave of economic growth and Japan which has youths with the strong thirst for knowledge in addition to the wealthy middle-aged,
 Your ad will definitely draw the attention of the SEAnews' readers who are preparing for their overseas travel in China and Japan.
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Yours sincerely,
Atsushi Murakami
Editor and publisher of SEAnews
○Chinese travelers the world's biggest spenders
 Boosted by rising disposable incomes, China's outbound tourism has grown rapidly. China leaped to first place, surpassing both top spender Germany and second largest spender United States the year before last, according to the UNWTO.
 The volume of international trips by Chinese travelers including people from Hong Kong and Macau grew almost three times from 2005 and reached 83 million in 2012.
 Unlike other global travelers, Chinese tourists focus mainly on shopping. Chinese travelers spent a record US$102 billion on international tourism in 2012.
Top international tourism spenders in 2012
1. China -- US$102 billion
2. Germany -- US$83.8 billion
3. United States -- US$83.7 billion
4. United Kingdom -- US$52.3 billion
5. Russian Federation -- US$42.8 billion
6. France -- US$38.1 billion
7. Canada -- US$35.2 billion
8. Japan -- US$28.1 billion
9. Australia -- US$27.6 billion
10. Italy -- US$26.2 billion
-- source: UNWTO.
○Japanese visitors to India surge
 The volume of international trips by Japanese travelers grew 8.8% to 18.49657 million in 2012 from 16.9942 million in 2011.
 1)China, 2)Korea, 3)the United States mainland, 4)Hong Kong, 5)Hawaii, 6)Taiwan, 7)Thailand, 8)Guam, 9)Germany, 10)France, 11)Singapore, 12)Vietnam, 13)Indonesia, 14)Malaysia, 15)Macau, 16)Australia, 17)Philippines, 18)Italy, 19)Spain, 20)Switzerland are among the major destinations of Japanese travelers.
 India has emerged as the 26th in the list. Japanese travelers visited India increased 34.7% in 2010 and 15.2% in 2011 compared to a year before and reached 168.019 and 193,525 respectively.
 Although Japanese travelers visited China, their top destination, increased 12.5% and reached 3.7312 million in 2010, the volume decreased 2.0% and 3.8% to 3.6582 million and 3.5182 million in 2011 and 2012 respectively.
 Japanese travelers averaged a spend of 238,000 yen (USD2,331.27) per trip in 2011. Breaking down the spending per trip is 147,000 yen (USD1,439.90) for the travel participation fee between Japan and the destination, 40.000 yen (USD391.81) for the travel participation fee at the destination, 39,000 yen (USD382.01) for shopping and 11,000 yen (USD107.74) for miscellaneous expenses
-- source: JTB REPORT 2012

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