SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2014-02-18 ArtNo.44833
◆Compulsion by stealth
【New Delhi】The UPA government's response to questions on Multipurpose National Identity Cards, Aadhaar's voluntariness continues to be marked by 'intentional ambiguity.' Compulsion by stealth is used to camouflage the use of Aadhaar as a neo-liberal policy tool.
 "This debate is … about our specific disagreement on the meaning of that one word," i.e. "the Government now seek to persuade us that 'voluntary' actually means 'compulsory'." That was Nick Clegg in the United Kingdom's House of Commons in March 2006. Mr. Clegg and others were opposing the Labour government's decision to renew passports only if the applicants possess a national ID card.
○Integrating IT and BT
【New Delhi】Information Technology and Biotechnology need to come together to streamline manufacturing processes of biotech products. Beyond the rhyming of the terms IT (Information Technology) and BT (Biotechnology), there can indeed be a valuable integration between the two — which is yet to be optimally exploited in the country.
 The BT industry is growing at around 20 per cent which is quite significant in the context of a general industrial deceleration. The present turnover is estimated at $5 billion with a projection of $100 billion by 2025. The IT industry is valued at $100 billion with a projection of $300 billion by 2025.
 However, the scope of the BT sector is very large and can even eclipse the IT sector in terms of employment opportunities and reach to the economy and social sectors. The sector permeates health and disease, food and agriculture, environment and industry. A more appropriate strategy would be to integrate IT and BT seamlessly, wherever applicable, and aim for the $500 billion mark by 2025.
【News source】

Compulsion by stealth

Integrating IT and BT

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