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India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2013-11-05 ArtNo.44614
◆Ministry makes last-ditch efforts to hold back BHP Billiton
New Delhi, Oct. 28: The Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministry will invite BHP Billiton, which recently surrendered nine oil and gas exploratory fields it won at auctions citing regulatory trouble, for a meeting next week to discuss the issue.
A senior Petroleum Ministry official said the Ministry would try to convince the world's largest miner to change its decision.
"Though there is not much that can be done once a contractor decides to relinquish the block, the least the Ministry can do is to convince them (to change their decision). We have called them for a meeting next week," said the official, who requested anonymity.
【News source】

Ministry makes last-ditch efforts to hold back BHP Billiton

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