SEAnews SEA Research, BLK 758 Yishun Street 72 #09-444 Singapore 760758
India Front Line Report
SEAnews Issue:monthly
2013-08-13 ArtNo.44575
◆Moody's revises Asian steel outlook to negative
Mumbai, Aug 8: Rating agency Moody’s has revised the outlook for the Asian steel industry to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’ as it expects profits of steel firms in this region to decline in the second half of 2013 on the back of slow demand growth, oversupply coupled with destocking.
“The negative industry outlook reflects our expectation that Asian steel manufacturers’ profits will decline in the second half of 2013 and remain at a historically low level over the next 12 months as destocking kicks in, demand growth remains slow and excess supply continues,” the rating agency said in a report.
It also said that demand for steel would not grow more than 2-3 per cent through June 2014.

【News source】

Moody's revises Asian steel outlook to negative

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