The paperback and electronic versions of the new book "Zen Buddhism and Nestorianism" are now on sale.
The paperback versions of "Zen Buddhism and Nestorianism" in Japanese and English are now available through the Amazon website for 3,000 yen (3,300 yen including tax) and 55 US dollars respectively.
The electronic version of "Zen Buddhism and Nestorianism" is now available on the Google Play website in Japanese, English and Chinese PDF versions, and on the Amazon website in Japanese and English ePub versions. Both are priced at the equivalent of 3 US dollars (461 yen)
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Noting that the trends of the "Jewish diaspora" and the "Gentile Jew's church movement" are deeply related to the birth of Christianity, I had published a series of books, such as "The Origins of Christianity" in 2013, "An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant (The origin of Christianity)" in 2020 and "Birth of Judaism and eastern propagation (The origin of Christianity)" in 2022 and in 2023, I published "Lamb of Sin-offering," which explores the circumstances and how Jesus himself was involved in these trends. In addition, I released "Prince of Stable," which explains that Prince of Stable, who was expected by both forces to be the savior who would realize reconciliation between the Takamagahara clan and the immigrant clans within the Yamato Imperial Court, was a "antitype of Jesus."
This time, I will focus on the introduction of Nestorian Christianity (景教Jingjiao), which became the catalyst for the rise of Zen Buddhism in China, and deliver the new book "Zen Buddhism and Nestorianism." By comparing the contents of the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistles of Paul with the Kosoku koans(古則公案), I would like to explore, together with the readers(you), the Genjo koans(現成公案) that Jesus presented to us.
Incidentally, subjects which Zen masters give their students in the meditation hall are called "Koan(公案)," the "Zen Questions and Answers" of the predecessors recorded in the Koan Roku(record books of Koan) are called "Kosoku Koan(古則公案)," and the current problems faced by the people in the real world are called "Genjo-koan(現成公案)."
Paperback editions
Click on the cover image (Japanese or English version) or click on the currency of your country under the "Amazon Kindle" logo to access the Amazon site and purchase the book.
『Zen Buddhism and Nestorianism』
Electronic version
To purchase, please click on the "Google Play" logo below, or click on the currency of your country under the "Amazon Kindle" logo.
The paperback and electronic versions of the new book "Zen Buddhism and Nestorianism" are now on sale.
The paperbacks of "Prince of Stable" and "Lamb of Sin-offering" are now on sale. Please purchase them together with the digital versions.
Tthe paperback editions of "Prince of Stable" in Japanese and English are now available on the Amazon website for 7 US dollars and 14 US dollars, respectively, and the paperback editions of "Lamb of Sin-offering " in Japanese and English are now available for 850 yen and 16.62 US dollars, respectively.
Aloso the e-book "Prince of Stable" is now available in three languages, PDF in Japanese, English, and Chinese on the Google Play website, and in Japanese and English ePub versions on the Amazon website. Each is priced at the equivalent of 2 US dollars (200 yen).
Paperback editions
Click on the cover image (Japanese or English version) or click on the currency of your country under the "Amazon Kindle" logo to access the Amazon site and purchase the book.
『Prince of Stable』
『Lamb of Sin-offering 』
≪Birth of Judaism and eastern propagation (The origin of Christianity)≫
Electronic version
To purchase, please click on the "Google Play" logo below, or click on the currency of your country under the "Amazon Kindle" logo.
≪An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant (The origin of Christianity)≫
The PDF versions of "An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant (The origin of Christianity)" in English, Japanese and Chinese editions are now available on Google Play website in 66 countries around the world, and the ePub versions of Japanese and English editions are on Amazon website in 13 countries. All prices are worth US $ 4. Please visit the nearest site and purchase in your favorite currency.